Royal Porthcawl titles a list of excellent courses on Wales.
David Cannon/Getty Images
When it comes to golf and travel, we have a word for you: Wales.
Not mammals you see More genuine. We are referring to the proud nation in the UK, which wins our node as a sleeping destination for game lovers.
Often in the shade from her close competition – seeing you, Scotland And Ireland-Welsh has long been high in our radar, and she got bold billing in a last episode of The Golf Podcast, when co-perpetrators Simon Holt and Josh Sense gave their nominations for the world’s most underestimated Golf countries.
Sense selected Wales as one of his four choices, singling out appearances such as PORTHCAWL ROYALRoyal St. David’s, Pennard and Southerndown as evidence of a country that does not take his golf because of. From the championship countries to the strange courses located on the common ground, Wales has it all. But her offers tend to escape the announcement of shiny magazines.
Other Sense elections were the Dominican Republic, where the dog’s teeth and the ESPADA Punta top a long list of high -level resorts traces; Portugal (if you think the golf there is limited to the algae, you should spend some time closer to Lisbon); And Canada, where options range from the golden class of the era such as Highlands Links, Banff and Jasper up to the modern-minimalist Cape Breton masterpieces. The next time you are looking to reserve a trip, remember our friends just in the north.
Holt opposed with one of his quartets. New Zealand topped its list. At Arai and Tara Iti are two last additions to a swollen portfolio of stunning coastal clubs that also include Kepi kidnappers and rocks. Rounding his record, Holt went with Japan, the Netherlands and another heartless star of the United Kingdom: England.
To hear his reasoning and full discussion about underestimated golf sites, you can listen to the entire golf episode of destination here