Between the second T20i period in a humorous turn India and English In Chennai, commentators Ravi Shastris and Sunil Pocket Poked fun Harry brookIn advance, the statements about the fog in Kolkata, claimed that the first to appear in T20i. Brook’s struggles against Indian Spinner There’s Chakravarthy Smog continued in Chennai, where there is no factor.
There’s Chakravarthy Outfoxes Harry Brook again
Chakravarthy gave another surprising performance by firing Brook in the series for the second time. During the first time in the Gardens of Eden, Brook, as a reason that hinders the ability to choose the supply of dirt-Davidhyny, smog was rubbed with humor.
“Chakravarthy is a pretty good bowler. But with the other night fog, it was very difficult to choose from. I can see the ball a little more easily. Turin the cricket, probably the most difficult thing in the game, especially to completely hurt him I’m trying “ Brook said when talking to Daily Telegraph.
However, in the clear conditions of Chennai, Chakravarthy’s ability, previously silenced the excuse, proved to be re-breaking Brook.
See also: India vs ENG – Happen Chakravarthy cleans Harry Brook with a Jaffa in 2nd T20I
Javi Shasri and Sunil Gavascar Jabs
As Brook Brook Pavilion after bending by Chakravarthy in Chennai T20i, Shasti, Shasti, comment, comment, comment, “There’s again, there is Chakravarthy. You don’t need smog; it’s a secret thing and whipping into stumps.” Gavascar, Banter joined, adding, “When Chakravarthy looks at him, he can ask if there is any fog?” Toy notes, perfectly captured the light tone of the match, left the comment box in Chuckles.