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Friday, January 24, 2025

On this day, on Track & Field, January 23, Joie Ray wins Millrose Games (1918), Curt Clausen Sets 30K AR (2000).

Walt Murphy news and results service (:wmurphy25@aol.com) used with permission.

c) Copyright 2025 – All rights reserved. Cannot be reprinted or transformed without permission.

Through the news and output service of Walt Murphy (wmurphy25@aol.comIn the case of

On this day on the track and field-January 23

1918– Famer’s salon hall (6: 57.8) escaped to Millose Games, which took place at Millrose Games in NY’S MADISON SQUARD GARDEN. It was 2nid Distance from his 7 Millrose wins, which was eventually it would become in 1926. Vanamamakich miles.

In Europe, I had a number of races for members of the US Armed Forces, mostly 1,000 yard race (crowded field) Kiveli Civil (2,24.2), silver medalist at the 1912 Olympic Games.

(For subscribers): https://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1918/01/24/102660651.html?pagenumber=11

Joie Ray, Photo from Joieray.com

1960-Gar Gubs (Dewitt Clinton HS, NY) sets 63-0 (19.20) 63-0 (19.20) set on NY’s armor. During the prepositional career, he was known to break light fixtures on the ceilings of HS gym.

He would have become one of the best shots in the world (No. 2 occupied in 1962) and weight rise.

The former Nyu Star won two NCAA titles (1963,1964) and was a 1962 champion.


Sports illustrious

T & F News Classification::

https://trackandfieldnews.com/men-thlete-2/mens–thlete-2/mens-shot-Rankings -B–

1965-Junior Bill McClellon (Dewitt Clinton, NYC) cleared 6-10 ¼ (2.09) NY Armor St. To Prepancis Prep Games to set its 4t. National HS closed record with a high jump. The list of McCleellon’s records, everyone is gathered in armaments, is evaluated as the biggest moment in the history of armament (2007 2007). Would he set up his 5t. (and final) closed record when he cleaned 6-11 at the beginning of the senior year.

He cleared 7′-0 “outside in US championships, becoming the first preparation, which is above the ban.

6-07 ¾ 1964 On January 18, Cardinal Hayes Games (Previous Recordacle-John Thomas (!) 6-7 ½, 1958

6-08 February 29, 1964 SS Championship

6-09 ½ December 1964 Bishop Lofflin Games

6-10: January 23, 1965 St. Francis preparatory games

October 6-11, 1965, Sao Paulo, Brazil

The biggest domain moments (Through 2007)

MARC BLOOM pushes McClellan’s life and career in this bilateral range.

Part 1:: https://www.runnerspace.com/gprofile.php?mgroup_id=44531&do=news&news_id=645265

Part 2:: https://www.runnerspace.com/gprofile.php?mgroup_id=44531&do=news&news_id=645294

1999– Ghana’s senior Leonard Mils, 6.48 from Ghana, 60 meters, which is 60 meters, which breaks the collegial record set by Pittsburgh’s full Mactrag. (Tennessee Christian Coleman in 2017 and Texas Tech’s TERRENCE JONES in 2022). He will win his 2nid Main NCAA 100 Titles in June.


2000– Curt Clausen (New York AC) set an American record for 30k walk in California’s Chula Vista. He was elected President of the USATF at the 2024 sitting of the group.

2021-Texas A & M Frosht Yting Mu Ran 1: At 25.80 Aggie Inv 600 meters away. On his way to his house, breaking the record of 40-year college 1. 26.56, in 1981 he was established by Tennessee Delisa Walton Floyd.

Birthday Birthdays:

Was born this day *

Irving Salad-Panama 42 (1983) 2007 World and 2008 Olympic Champion-Long Jump

Silver medalist in the 2006 World Cup Championships

2007 Champion of Pan-Armenian Games

6 years oldt. In the 2005 World Cup

# 8 in performing history: 28-7 ¾ (8,73);

List of all time:

Top-10. https://trackandfieldnews.com/tfn-lists/world-all-

Deeper (metric): http: //www.allime -athletics.com/mlongok.htm

Retirement. https://www.worltathletics.org/news/news/irvings-saladino-reterem

Wiki bio: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/irving_saladino

2008 and: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nctwyvufb4

And report: http://www.olympedia.org/results/257321

Andrew Rock 43 (1982) 2005 World champion -4 × 400; Silver medalist 400 meters of the world in 2005

Championships; 3rd time NCAA Division III closed and outdoor champion Wisconsin-Lacus.

Glut-44.35 (2005)

Married with Missy Butry who won 12 departments. III Titles while in Wartburg

I am a head coach at the Bethel University of the Holy City, MN.


Margaritagragrilles 74 (1951) 17 At the time, he won a gold medal at the 1968 Olympic Games at 4 × 100.

42.88 (World Record) Benefits, B. FERRELL, M. NETTER, W. TYUS (5t. In 100, 7t. In 200).

1968 US Champion -100 m; Left after the Olympic Games.

Wiki bio: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/margaret_bail


BOB LARSEN 86 (1939) Hall of glory coach

From 1979 to UCLA Trained X-Country and T & F until his retirement (from college training). Succeeded

Jim Bush in 1984

From Wikipedia:“Among the participants of the championships, the teams were Olympic gold medalists Steve Lewis

Danny Everet and Kevin Young. The other athletes of Larsen teams included Ato Bolton, Henry Godina, Henry

Thomas, Michael Granville and Meb Ceplields. ” Throughout its post-election career, he continued to train Keflesig, the 2004 Olympic silver
The median in the marathonA number

Jam Amula toads have led to the title of Amazing Team in World X-Country Championships

Jam Amul Dodsi’s recalculation is one of the most important events of Larseen’s documentary

Coaching career. “City pieces cannot remain with me.” Bootyhttp://www.boblarsenfilm.com/In the case of

Previously trained at Monte Vista High School and Grossmont College

In 2014, he became involved in the National Hall of Glory. In 2019, he received the USATF Legendary Coach Prize


Fame hall bio: https://www.usatf.org/athlete-bios/bob-larsen

Go Be more podcast: Part 1: Part 2:

Memorable moments in UCLA. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=us-x2tknms4

Ucla hof. https://uclabruins.com/honors/hall-of-fame/bob-larsen/38

Elliott Denman 91 (1934) 1956 US Olympic -50k Walk (11t.); 1959 US Champion-3k & 50k Walk

Racing for NYU and NY PIONEER CLUB. Proud member of the Athletic Club of the palm

The award-winning journalist has been more than 60 years old, mostly for Asbury Park

Press (NJ) and now for different web points. (See his article below Horace Ashenfelter).

The delayed holiday of its 85t. About 300 people took part in the birthday in 2019, including a dozen

Olympians. Another holiday for 90t. Birthday was held at Tim McCloone Pierce at home

Branch, nj, and not less than 14 Olympics, including Carl Lewis, were in a huge crowd.



SHORE AC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hevipu2bs8m

The oldest living Olympians: https://acsweb.ucsd.edu/éptchir/

Stan Saplin award:


’56 Olympic tests: https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/bs-xpm :000-09-02-0009020402-story.html


Horace Ashenfelter 94 (1923-Hunan .6, 2018) The FBI agent, he was the Olympic gold medal in 1952

steeplechase; 3rd US champion (’51, ’53, ’56)

In 1975 he was involved in the National Hall of Glory

The closed path in Pene province, his Mother University, bears his name.

He died in 2018 at the age of 94.

2010 Interview (Gary Cohen): http://www.garyohenrunning.com/Interviews/ashenfelter.aspx

2012 Article:: http://www.nj.com/olympics/index.ssf/2012/08/horace_ashenfelter_1952_olympi.html

Article 2014 by Elliott Denman:


Last run: http://www.runningpast.com/horace_ashenfelter.htm

Wiki bio: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/horace_ashenfelter

The Times ofituary:


Sergey Litvinov-Russia 60 (1958-February, 19, 2018) Gold medalist 1988 Olympic Games (hammer), 1983 and 1987 world


Set three records in the early 1980s; Glut: 282-3 (86.04 / 1986), # 2-performer all the time

They trained, among others, his son (also in Sergei), who was 5 years oldt. In the world of 2015

Championships in Beijing and have the best since 265-8 (80.98).


Wiki bio: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/sergey_litvinov_ (Athlete, _born_1958)

WR progress: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/men%27s_racmer_thjrow_world_record_progress

All time lists:

TOP-10: http://www.trackandfieldnews.com/index.php/tafn-lists?list_id=&sex_id=m&year=2008

Deeper (metric): http: //www.allime -athletics.com/mhammok.htm

Olympic statistics: http://www.olympedia.org/athletes/77543

  • Larry Eder has a 52-year-old involvement in athletics sports. Larry has experienced sports as athlete, coach, magazine publisher, now journalist and blogger. His first article in Don Boudeen, the first sub-legs of America, published in RW in 1983. He currently manages the content and marketing of shoes, shoe drug addicts. His daily pilgrimage of Runblogrra with sports, Larry says: I have ever done except, maybe he’s running. ” He also realizes some BBC Sports updates to the main events he really enjoys. Topic song. Gregelman. “I’m not an angel.”

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