It was up to the start of the time for Pedro Acosta Up to 2025 MOPOGP. If the young feelings of the young man are, only P19 can govern only P11.
KTM A high question had serious questions in their season with their fun financial situation. Reporting debts around £ 2BN, they feared their MOSTGP Program affects.
Approach the KTM Recovery Plan It is the main encouragement to the company, but there are popular issues on the track where they travel to the new period. KTM ‘horser’ hire tire wheel Trying in pre-time.
However, Aramed He continued to show the amazing talent. The Spanish RC16 restrictions is in KTM AIDER in the test by plugging RC16 limits.
The sixth competition in Rioram, 20, in the cloth of the 20-year-year-old Rioram. Neil Ho · nietnneson was rejoicing in Akita’s ‘perfect’ In a group of interest in Brad <ስሕተት> Part of ‘Scary’ in.
However, only four four Thailand Grand SonAt the RC16, the 20-year-old was going down and fell down. She left him when he left behind the rest of the race, but the shouts later showed some encouraging signs.

Pedro ACooda workers were taken more than five years after workers in Thailand
The only gyd was not the only gym that Aransa fall into the battle. The last corner of Hondo Joan Jan MY has been damaged and retired from the race.
The Spanu was trying with a bike, burn on the legs. But if MM MA did not return, it would do so with me, and it was preparing a solid speed on CTMs.
Read more Knowing the Padda Acodosta Everything with a girlfriend
The Ahma speed is so good that the workers did not marry from the race from the runway from the runway from the runway.
“When Matt, the bicycle was so much unpleasant that it was so unpleasant that he had a motorcycle,” says Matt.
And I think, relatively slower crashes and explains that he had the last thing. What was the hottest potato?
The restored Pedrosta, opposite the restaurant Pedrota, and the workers had speed on the back of the field, perhaps the employees. “

Ktm for 2025 <ግዙፍ ችግር> May have
A acosta crashles in the Great Prince Many beautiful weekends. Group friend Bump Completed the best for manufacturer in Rioram manufacturer.
Matt oxley ktm has a “giant problem” When the killer is described during the race. This was a bicycle in the past year, but Azotana and a garment do not bring the problem When asked by the media.
TEC3 Galler Anna attack After the numerical advanced of the Near, a severe recovery after the ninth ninth. It is struggling to correct the RC16 driver, after leaving the starter from startup.
Group friend Manvick vinals The weekend was not able to find any performance because he could not have any performance. Vinnus want to examine the front wheel To see that this baldinine has given additional speed during the great reward.