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New York
Sunday, March 9, 2025

How to make the perfect cauliflower steak

Steak cauliflower by Hyatt Grand Reserve Puerto Rico

A Pigeon Pea risottite bed – a favorite local ingredient – adds the delicious depth of Entryflower’s Savry aroma.

Emma Fishman

In this week Puerto Rico Open, Visitors to Prime 787 – a rich steakhouse at the PGA Tour Stop’s Host Resort, The Hyatt Regence Grand Reserve Puerto Riko – It may be surprised to see a somewhat unexpected prime minister listed in a menu that includes fillets, rib eye and delmonic: cauliflower steak.

The vegetarian option was added to the restaurant’s offers by the Food and Beverage Director Luis Quezada in an effort to provide a cordial Steakhouse style choice for dinners wishing to give up the steak.

“Cauliflower steak is a great option if you don’t eat meat because you still feel like you are part of your party eating a steak,” Quezada says.


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Shaun Tolson

So how can a carving structure and taste smoked by cauliflower be achieved? Quezada and his team begin by cutting a cauliflower head into the third, leaving some stems. The cauliflower is then poured with salt, pepper, olive oil and spices, and baked in the oven before finishing in the grill.

“Cauliflower really does not have much fragrance on its own,” Quezada says. “So you have to season it and prepare it really well.”

While the decision to season with Tayj was inspired by Quezada’s Mexican roots, the chef makes a coordinated effort to tie in local aromas to each dish. For example, cauliflower steak is paired with risotto peas of pigeons – a knot for the traditional pairing of Puerto rican peas and pigeon beans. Rizotto adds a weight and scent depth to the plate, which is further enriched with the addition of the mint Chimichurri. Cauliflower is at the top with a pinnacle of pistachio and golden grapes before serving.

Join it with a glass Chardonnay and your “steak” dinner is full – and completely delicious.

Prime Minister’s Cauliflower Biftek 787

-1/3 cauliflower head
-1 spoons of spices
-1 tbsp olive oil
-Salt and pepper to taste


Cauliflower slice so it is about 3/4 inch wide, leaving a piece of stem.

Cauliflower dress with spice, olive oil, salt and pepper.

Put on a baking sheet and cook in the oven at 375 degrees for 20 minutes.

Wrap the cauliflower in a grill to add a smoked aroma.

The gilded version of the entity includes:

-1 cup dove rizotto peas
-The control of the control layered at the top top
-1 tbsp mint chimichurri
-Pinch of Pistachios and Raisins Gold to complete

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