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PGA Tour Pros Belt’s viewing their drivers is a picture to see. It does not seem possible for the ball to travel as much as you do, and until you see it climb away, it’s hard to be too imagine.
But also the longest goods (think Bryson dechambeau and Cameron Champ) Do not represent the longest leaders on the planet. That honor is reserved for Those who compete in the World Car Championship.
Currently, the highest rank driver in the Long World car circuit is Colton Casto, which routinely runs over 400 yards. Recently, the tall driver no. 1 World shared a simple tip to creating light speed, which you can watch in the video below.
Create an ‘X-Factor’
Shaking the club rapidly is not just a product of being strong. (Otherwise, the longest players in the world would also be bigger.) No, to really hit the ball away, you need to take advantage of physics and create speed efficiently.
One of the ways that do this by a long machine is by wrapping their bodies tightly on their backs; This movement stores thousands of potential energy that is released during landing leading to power and extraordinary distance.
There are ways you can increase this possible energy, however. And one of them is keeping that coil tight as long as possible.
“You want your feet and your lower body to start targeting and holding your back in front of the target as long as you can,” Casto says in the WLD video above. “(This) creates an” X-Factor extension “, which is like a narrow rubber band, so you can simply have easy power when wearing the ball.”
By keeping your back on the target and leaving your lower body turning, you grow the spiral you created on your back. When you leave the coil, you will have more energy than if you just let both ingredients return at the same time.
Create the right sequences get some by learning, but once you start getting into a habit, you will be amazed at how much extra power you can create through this “X-Factor”.