Kevin Cunningham

If you do not clean the golf balls, you can expect your performance to suffer.
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Forget the vase, driver and handcuffs, the most important part of your equipment arsenal is your golf ball. And you need to keep them clean to get the best results.
Golf balls are the only thing in your golf bag you have to use in every single blow. With all that use, the balls get a sneaky tone and mud. While you are not allowed to put your ball on the road and clean it, there are times when cleaning them is okay according to the rules.
And cleaning your balls is essential to maximize your performance. In the light of this, here is all you need to know how to clean your golf balls properly.
When are you allowed to clean golf balls?
As mentioned before, whatever process you use to clean the balls, you cannot clean them at any point you want during your round. There are two cases when Removing and cleaning your golf balls allowed by rules.
The first time, and perhaps most important, is when you are in green. As long as your ball is safe on the placement surface (and not on the collar or rough), you are allowed to mark your ball and raise it. This is the perfect time to clean the golf ball you are using in that hole. Just make sure that when you finish you put the ball back in the right place directly in front of your ball marker. Cleaning your ball before deciding is especially important because only a little mud can have drastic effects on your putt.
The second degree when you can clean your golf ball on the course is between holes. Once your last painting falls into each hole, you are allowed to clean it as long as you want to throw in the next hole. Better still, you can switch to a new, pristine golf ball between holes. And if Local rule with a ball It is in place (as it is in Pro Events), the new ball does not have to be the same kind you used to use in that round. May be of Any make -up or model you like.
How to clean the golf balls in the course
The traditional way to clean the golf balls during the round is to use a washer for golf balls. Most courses have Ball Washers Washers located in Tees. Just put your ball in the slot, then move the washer up and down using the handle to clean your ball.
Inside the ball wash, a combination of solid brushes, water and cleaning solution works in dirt and makeup on your ball. After a few dives, take the ball, dry and you are ready to go.
If you are in green or for some reason you do not like to use ball balls, there is another option. Attach a golf towel to your bag (one you don’t care about lighting) and add water to wet some of the towel. Then whenever you need to clean your ball, simply rub it in the damp of the towel to remove the dirt and mud, then wipe with the dry part of the towel.
Kevin Cunningham
The best ways to clean the balls at home
Unlike the course, there are no rules about cleaning your golf balls at home. The best way to date is also the simplest: a bucket of hot water and soap. As long as the soap is non -abrasive, this method will allow you to quickly clean all your golf balls at the same time.
Less traditional methods for cleaning golf balls at home include the use of a dishwasher, nail plate remover for bad spots or ball marks made with sharp markers, or a washing machine.
If you go with the machine washing method, it is best to put your balls in a mesh bag and then on a pillow before putting them in the car. This should help to prevent damage to balls and washing machine, but it is still a risk. If you use a bucket in place, no expensive equipment will be damaged.

Kevin Cunningham editor
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