These keys will help you make better wedge contact.
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Of all the embarrassing things that can happen in the golf course, to chop a wedge is one of the most disappointed. We have all experienced that pace where you put on energy, but the ball ends up falling short, near you, forcing you to try again. This miss is often followed by a thin shot or skilled as a natural reaction. But don’t worry – this poor contact rotary can be corrected with some adjustments.
Follow the six keys below and you will make constantly clean contacts at no time.
1. Nail your behavior and configuration
For all golf shooting, especially short game shooting with less rocking speed, having the right configuration and behavior is essential. Bow out of your hips so that your wings can naturally hang under your shoulders. This creates the necessary space between your hands and thighs, which helps prevent the club to be very long compared to your body. If you are very straight and crowded, your club will grip on the ground when your arms are extended. I encourage my students to find the optimal distance between their hands and thighs when they make solid contacts and then apply that distance constantly to all the shooting.
2. Engage swelling
For the ball to get air, the end of the club must make contact with the land, using attic to raise the ball. To achieve this, it is essential to place the club down properly with the main edge perpendicular to the target line. Avoid distortion of the club’s face, as a closed face can grab the soil and grip.
If you see this challenging, consider using a club created to help configure. For example, the new wedge of ping contains a high attic and bounce, which makes it easier to put the club properly on the ground.

Ping Bunkr Custom
Bunkr is designed to help players fighting outside bunkers make a light exit and lower the ball nearby. Due to its attic shape, single wide and iconic EYE2 style, you are able to use a normal, square face to get up and down from the bunker. Light escapes relying on the form of faith of faith of faith, additional attic and the only broad bunk, taking the ball over the green has never been easier. 14.5 ° Blinking dance, the club moves lightly through sand and generates more ball speeds to start the ball up and out of trouble. Too much attic at 64 ° of the attic, bunkr helps on pop ball up and over green easily, setting you for more pleasant strokes.
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3. Find the correct ball position
prostitute Plays a key role in short game shooting. If you tend to hit the ground too quickly or too often, the ball position is critical. Putting the ball far away in your stay can make the main edge excavate to the ground, while setting it too far can result in hitting the ground in front of the ball.
To find your ideal ball position, make a practical pace and notice where the club hits the ground in relation to your feet. Once you identify the bottom of your swinging arch, position the ball immediately after this place during your configuration.
4. Adjust your handle
If you have one firm And tend to tie or draw the ball, you may want to adjust your check for short game shots. A strong control can make the club face closed, which works well for complete shakes, but can lead to excavations with slower and shorter shakes.
By rotating your hands slightly towards the target, you can keep your face not to close too much, allowing the club to slide better through the ground. While this can feel weird or weak at first, it can be the key to preventing the club from gripping.
5. Learn the difference between a chip and pitch
Proper placement is essential for both chip and pitch shooting. A chip shot is usually low and designed to roll more than flies. When hitting a chip, avoid supporting the club’s handle too ahead – aim to keep your body weight distributed evenly.
For a pitch stroke, which requires more conveyance and less roll, the use of club swelling is essential. You can use a wedge of lobe, sand or gap for this type of shot, as these clubs have a single rounded designed to slide through the ground without being excavated. Make sure your wedges are properly equipped for your swing, as the right clubs make a significant difference.
I recommend my students endow THEir Truespec Golf, where they can be properly placed in the grass, which is essential for wedge assembly.
6. Have a balanced conclusion
A rhythm forward with good momentum and a balanced conclusion is essential to ensure that the club is not gripped. Remember: moving objects stay in motion. A smooth swing, forward allows the club to slide across the ground and finally in the right place. A balanced conclusion also helps you make sure you have transferred your weight correctly to your front leg.