Have you ever wondered if the exercises you are doing and the speedy training you really use enhances the club’s speed? Recent research sheds new light on the subject and this can change your golf training regime.

The last two studies offer valuable knowledge:
- Associations between the physical characteristics and speed of the Golf Club: a systematic summary of meta-analysis (Sports medicine, 2024)): Analyzed 20 studies revised by peers involving players from amateur players to professional tournament players.
- Associations and within the group changes in physical characteristics and golf performance data in high -level amateur players (Applied Sciences, 2024))It is specifically estimated at how physical tests are related to golf performance.
Although we have to know every golf player is unique, the latest findings strongly show that focusing on explosive strength, especially on your lower and upper body, will help you search for more club speed.
Explosive force with low body
How high can you jump? It turns out that the higher you can jump, the easier it can be to increase your club speed.
“Jump impulse” (the force you apply quickly to Earth) had the strongest connection at the highest speed of the club. Exercises to improve your jump impulse include the collection jump where you first collect, briefly pause and then explode upstairs.

Body force
Low body strength still matters, but not as explosive power and perhaps not as much as fitness experts once thought. Traditional strength exercises such as squats and deadlift have their place, but the advantages of exercises such as gathering and jumping dance (rapid movement followed by an explosive jump up) if your goal is to maximize the swing speed.
Explosive force of the upper body
If you have watched professional players share their exercise regime, the chances are you have seen them work with medical balls. The ball of the rolling medicine throws the ball, where you rotate your torso and explosively discard a horizontal medicine ball, are among the most useful exercises for enhancing the club speed.
Upper body
As with the strength of the lower body, the overall strength of the upper body (like stool pressures) will not damage, but does not directly increase your speed as explosive exercises. Overall coaching In your routine, but don’t just rely on it.
Traditionally, players’ players have highly rated flexibility to increase the swing speed, but these studies found no significant link between overall flexibility (such as landing and reaching test) and the club’s speed.
General flexibility exercises can help prevent damage, but do not directly improve the swing speed as previously believed. Do not pass extension Completely, but if you are working to increase the club’s speed, you will want to add some explosives of the upper and lower body training.

What to do now?
- Focus more on Explosives of the low body such as jumps (gathering jump, reaction jump).
- Comprise Explosive movements of the upper body Like the ball of the rolling medicine.
- Overall exercise In your routine, but fill them with explosive exercises for the best results of the club speed.
Final thoughts
If you increase your club speed is your goal, talk to your coach to integrate more dance exercises. It can simply get your golf game at new heights – literally.
office Exposed golf fitness myths: what science says actually increases the speed of the club first appeared in MygolfSSS.