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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Neil Hommeson in Argentina Artentina 17 – Winning Titroopus Duo Language was “very sad

Argentina GREAT Awards Marce Martz, Marshe Martz on the Moodgogp to the top of the MOSTogP. The Spanish 2025 campaign ordered the campaign.

Markmmism is a pole position or winning in the first two seeds of the first two seeds and the main competition will win. In the age of 20, Alex Mark Parkek Parkek and Argentina was rejected in 2025.

Dukin very five with Argentina great prize Mark the brothers at the season twice. Franco Mobdday came home to register the first podium since 2021.

Pirant Furabico Bacteton Bactecania for two times MOSTGP Championship. Daved Traddozi Bangia is ‘Return’ Fight of his father – This is a shock that is a shock of 31.

Dukathy was a different story on KTM – especially when another major weekend TEC3. Drivers Manvick vinals And Anna attack Torrid begins up to 2025.

Photo with Marco Lizzzariari GP / Kitty images
Photo with Marco Lizzzariari GP / Kitty images

Neil Homolson said Arystina Grand Award Watching “It was very sad ‘

Vinnus and Bastiiniin win both by 2024 Erimeia And Duty In order. If you are transferred to TEC3 17 – winning Duo (Extries 10, Batashini seven) to adapt to RC16.

Neil Ho · lemonson in Batinani ‘nightmare’ When the redest in the field of the field, during the stream in Rerriram. Finally finish the ninth reward, but his struggle are clearly evident.

Things have been multiplied great prize in Argentina. After the 18th of the 18th, the 13th one of the 18th one of the 18th after the BASTIANIANIIIIII.

How many prisoners and bastiinininine was the weekend of the innovoli-and Bastiininine for the Scans. To say Sports He noticed that Duo’s body language seemed as if the DUO body language is so that they could be there during the race.

Read more Knowing everything about KTM TEC search of MotogP groups

When I went to the scenic box to return to the word of the night, the vannos and Bastiininini was so sad when they were sitting on the back of the grid.

“You look far away from him, no one is around you.

You should see their body language while watching their faces on both. Do you know only two people who don’t want to be there? To hate. “

Photo in Steve Wobger / Cloth Images
Photo in Steve Wobger / Cloth Images

Tech3 can last for a long time in 2025 – they seem to know

Berginnienie was struggling the romantic system on the KitcS Bike, but still overcame his teammate in the Bathari. Ceniers responded from Tec3 When the points from the 3th of Italian pills in the 18th place.

The feeling around KTM The financial problems are positive. Their case can affect the MotogP project – and it can be a shortage of performance in TYCH3.

Hadison Battynie says “to the long year” After asking him. The results of Argentina will be a great concern – but it is protected from Tec3 key images.

Nicholas Gond Tay Technology cannot fight for high places The In 2025. It is very frustrated starting for Vinnus and the British year and are discouraged for the opportunities that change in Austin.

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