I have protected Rory Mcilroy many over the years.
He was put in a hard place With PGA Tour-liv Saga-It when he received the 180th staircase, returns to golf division, I have generally admitted that the situation is complicated and his goals are true (at least compared to his peers). I appreciate that he has been willing to speak his mind and be honest with the media.
Saying that, Rory has had a rigid Weeks in the player championship.
Things set off for a difficult start during his press conference in front of the tournament. Rory, Who is leading the charge with TGLessentially mocked the idea of Seeing Golf on YouTube.
“I’m not of that generation,” Mcilroy said. “I would rather watch this golf tournament on Saturday and Sunday than watching Golf on YouTube.”
Ok, it’s good. Mcilroy is trying to defend a completely unbearable entertainment league that is borrowing many concepts from YouTube Golf, a platform that is probably increasing the game more than Rory is at this point – but I respect that he likes more competitive golf.
If I were that I would have thrown a little more support after YouTube Golf there. But it’s not a big deal.
Then Mcilroy gave another unpleasant but reasonable quote how he would never play old Golf tournaments, saying “something has gone extremely wrong” if he is still competing at that age.
Again, it’s good. It is a bit strange that Rory is giving such a strong quote to the hit and strange golf that would not happen for another 15 years. I’m not sure if he thought about it, but he turned out a little removing-as his golf is more transactional and as a business compared to a passion he is following.
Apparently he already knows he will not care about playing fun golf at that age. I have no problem with that. It’s his life.
I simply bring him to show that he was clear in the thought of letting things rip this week in Florida.
This is a good thing as a whole – but it crossed the line in a embarrassment During Tuesday Tuesday.
Heckler heard ‘about the world
On Tuesday afternoon, Mcilroy was leaving in the scary 18th hole.
We’re talking about the practice here (Allen Iverson’s voice), so Vibe is cold. Mcilroy drew his purpose in the water. Not ideal, but it also didn’t count – it’s just a practical round.
This is where the story becomes interesting. Staying close to Tee was Luke Potter, a Golf of the University of Texas who had just won a college tournament. Potter is not a random hack. He is the No0 60 player in the world’s amateur rankings and has legal aspirations to play professional golf.
Potter, standing with one of his teammates, decided to throw Rory.
“Like the masters of 2011,” Potter said, referring to Mcilroy’s painful melting Sunday in Augusta.
It was quite loud for Mcilroy to hear. And he was obviously insulted enough to take a stand.
He walked towards Potter and his teammate, reached the arm beyond the rope line and told the Potter’s teammate, “Can I see your phone?”
Frozen in shock, baby let Mcilroy get his phone. And Away Rory went by phone.
The children were accompanied by properties shortly thereafter. The phone returned.
The incident was caught in the video, so we have a great look at Rory stealing the phone – I mean, this is what I would call it at that moment, even if it came back.
This video has now gone viral, even extending to some national media.
Potter later apologized to Mcilroy and Tournament Commissioner Jay Monahan. He has received a lot of heat to drag the world’s number 2 player.
“Look, I just made a mistake and get ownership of it,” Potter said.
Potter College coach John Fields told Golf.com that it was a symbolizing moment for his program.
“Concerning our University of Texas program, I mean it is an embarrassing moment. Particularlyly is particularly sensitive to me because our program is based on the respect of the game, and I will tell you that we coach 18-22 years old and they do not always make the right call, and that is my responsibility as a coach and when they make a mistake.”
For Rory, he has avoided the situation since it happened. After being asked twice in his Thursday’s interview for phone call, Mcilroy gave two answers no and continued his way.
Mcilroy is soft as hell
Two things are true at the same time here.
Given his position as a pro -aspiring golf player, Potter should probably not have Mcilroy hell.
It was not a smart action for someone in his position. Would he like to throw within two years if he is a tournament tours? No. And I’m sure he regrets it.
But I am seeing this more from Rory’s point of view.
You are a professional athlete who plays golf all over the world. You are 35 and have a baby.
You are praised as a conscious, well -read, mature person.
Bakeded in professional golf that people will say stupid things. These are entertainment events where alcohol is flowing. The whole point of professional golf is to be an interesting product that fans enjoy. Without that element, there is no PGA Tour.
Is it right for people to reject? No, and fans seem to become bolder every year with what they are willing to say. Golf is not played in a white football stadium, where players can barely listen to fans in the front row. There must be an initial décor base on a tour.
Heckling is not good, but also expected. This is a professional sporting event.
Strict THERE To be older than a young child shouting a very gentle heck towards him. This was not even a bar that crossed the line as a personal insult – it is simply the equivalent to say “you absorb” any professional athlete.
For me, this is a gentle action. And I think if you look at Rory’s story, it is not especially evolved in the thick skin department.
Rory Getting Butt-Runs is exponentially more embarrassing than some kids who shouted a stupid comment to make his friend laugh.
And then he has the opportunity to possess his mistake after Thursday’s round. Instead, Rory gives a “other question” answer.
Scottie Scheffler literally was arrested for no reason And it did the fresher way than this.
What do you think? Tell me below in comments.
The main photo title: Rory Mcilroy leaves on Thursday during the player championship. (Getty Images/Richard Heathcote)
office Rory Mcilroy embarrassed himself by stealing phone from heckler first appeared in MygolfSSS.