Quotes of the day
Larissa Iapichino. Experiments create a person and I think I have already acquired many experiences – good and bad. I just can’t wait for what comes next, at this point. It’s odd (when people call me a family star). Fiona may still be Fiona in May. I told him that I was beating you because he won the title above 6.91, and I told him. I beat you with 3 cm. So I received this little victory in the family. But he always says: I prefer to be Larisa’s mother than May. He always tries to push me and wanted me to beat his posts, to overcome much and more. He was so inspiring. ” Experience creates a person and I think I have already acquired many experiences – good and bad. I just can’t wait for what comes next, at this point. It’s weird (when people call me a family star). Fiona may still be Fiona in May. I told him that I was beating you because he won the title above 6.91, and I told him. I beat you with 3 cm. So I received this little victory in the family. But he always says: I prefer to be Larisa’s mother than May. He always tries to push me and wanted me to beat his posts, to overcome much and more. He was so inspiring
Ole Deanchuk. “Every jump was really good. I knew that if I jump everything with the first attempt, I can conquer gold. I didn’t want to take a risk. I felt very good for all my jumps. Arthur Felmer, our Javelin throw, is my very good friend, he gave me this advice that I needed to clean everything. I tried to follow it and had success. Every moment of victory is really good. But this is also a historic moment for us, because this is the first high jump of men in the European championships. After 234 I decided to stop jumping because I became very emotional. It was my personal best, so I decided that it was enough. Of course, this was the evening I will remember for the rest of my life. I hope that I was happy to be happy at home for this victory. “
Jeremiah Azu. I’ve just exploded with emotions. It (gold) means a world for me. They dropped the flag to me and I put it around me. It was a lot of fun to celebrate the title. It means that it will do it in front of my family who were all here. It’s so big that I can take them to the world to feel the best level of athletics. I hope to take those levels more and higher. “
The result of the day
The European closed record in Heptthlon. By 17.71, the three-party jump of Andy Diaz, 11th best time, Jeremiah Azo 6.49 Great PB and closed WL.
Surprise of the day
At the age of 34, Andy Robertson received a 60m medal. Annik Kalin attacks gold with a long jump.
Medals (19 countries)
Sui 2-2-0; ITA 2-1-2; Down or 2-1-0; From 1-2-3
Points (26 countries)
Of 53; ESP 52; ITA 48.5; Down 40; GBR 36; Sui 31
Title Defenders:
Yes (1). Ingebrigtsen:
No (5). Denmaz, Hunches, Joseph, months, will be pending
NC (8). Muir, Tentoglou, Pichardo, Mayer, Warholm, Murto, Sawyers, Bol
The best signs
Is (2). 7.67 D.Kambundji, 6558 Skotheim
WL (6 + 1). 3: 15.63 NEDMIX, 7.67 D
EL (9). 3: 15.63 Nedmix, 14.37 Pilgrims, 7.67 D.Camundji, 6.52 Advertising, 17.43 HES, 6558 Scottish, 6558 Scottish, Sklaver 50.38
Cr (3). 3: 15.63 Nedmix, 7.67 D.Kambundji, 6558 Skotheim
Agents (individual titles)
1 – René Auguin, Jeroen Bakker, Cliva, Fedjushina, Caroline Feith, Carotamm Air, Marcin Rosengarten, Silvia, Saliti, Silvia, Suarez, Daniel Wessfeldt, Alfons Juck.
Women 400 m. The best signs in 2-4th places within the euro. First medal nor.
Women’s PV. Angelica Moser won his second euro closed title and moved to Angelica Sidorova second place. Third Silver Tina Å¡utej; The best signs of equalized in the 2-3rd places and the best signs for 4-6th places. The second gold for SUI, moving to the second place in the nations classification table, is the first medal for Fra.
Men 60 m. The best sign is in the 4th place within the euro.
Men’s HJ. First title for the UKR within the euro.
Men 400 m. Atlla Molnat 45:25 is the second fastest winning time inside the euro, and Maximiles 2-3 in the euro at all times. The best signs of 2-4 places. The first title Hun, POL moved the second to the nation classification table (4-5-6), behind Urs.
Men’s TJ. Andy Deatiz 17.71 is the second best winning sign and the third best performance within the euro; The 3rd and 4th places are the largest difference between 68 cm. Max Hess has added silver with its 4 bronze medals. Itan won a gold and bronze and a second place in the nations classification table, along with owl, 3-2-2.
Heptathlon. Sander Skotheim and Simon Ehammer moved inside 1-2 euros, all time lists. It is the second small difference between gold and silver, and between 3 to 4th is the second. The best signs in 1-5th places (generally 2-3 best marks). First title for Soui no, first medal; EHAMMER 7.68 is the second fastest euro in obstacles to 60m hinds Skotheim’s 2: 32.72 is the fastest in 1000 m.
Men 800 m. Ryan Clarke’s 1: 45.65 is the fastest semi-final within the euro, and the second Elvin Josuué Canales was also faster than the former Matts Bormowski’s best (1: 45:79, 2021).
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