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Jess Gibeon and Bret Rushman win long-distance titles

Volaton Park staged the British intersection final in Notehem on Saturday

Among the impressive background of Wollaton salon, the British Athletics Challenges ‘Challenges’ Challenges, as Bret Rushman and Jess, took the senior tribes at midnight in 19C.

Unlike the hill of the English parliament, two weeks ago, mud and tribes were not effective in Parkland events that referred to advertised distances.

Just as from the south of England, it was one of the countries that took most of the team from Surrey to six of the six first places to confirm how the center of gravity was located on earth.

It was Northern Ireland who won the team’s only championship. It took points in the north of England, scottish territories three and half-haisses, but Wales teams could not cause problems with the acquisitions of medals.

It was a similar story for individual victories, where the south of England named four four four.

(David Hyuyson)


Rushman was always in a mixture of the final race of the day, because the final run James Kingston was taken by the third place until the fourth and final arms.

Then Cameron Allen, who came to the bronze medal from Omar Ahmed and Avon and Somerset Jack Millar.

Both were earlier for deploying the chairs, as John Millar, Selfolk, was at war, Ahmed, who opened the tempo on a large group.

There were Kingston and two morars, which reported the presenters to enter into some entanglement, despite their amazingly other colored jackets.

To submit a untimely application of glory, John Millar, who went a few meters, and opened a few meters, but Kingston, Millar and Cameron Alain were near.

Finally, at that time it was Rushman’s turn to show when he took Kingston and Jack Millar to clear out of the rest. It seemed that it was the end, but Allen and Ahmed did not give up and pursued the third chair in order to stay on Jack Millar.

Brett Rushman (David Hewitson)

The race, although it belonged to Rushman, which collected the final hill to take the gold medal. He said:

Speaking about the opening shootings, Rushman, who spent 28:48 in January, added to Valencia on the way to 10 km. “I wasn’t worried because it was still early in the race.” Now he goes to a quick chair for 5 km away.

Northern Ireland took the team race, led the house with a ninth point of Conal McLeans. They also predominated the nine-point challenge, but only nine countries have completed a full addition.

Men. 1 B Rushman (Herts) 29:45; 2 J Kingston (Kent) 29:55; 3 C Allen (N East) 30:18

Team (score from 6): 1 n Ireland 149; 2 Surrey 218; 3 YORKSHIRE 223

Team (9 points). 1 N Ireland 383; 2 Northern East 707; 3 Lancashire 869

(David Hyuyson)


Two weeks ago, after ordering a victory in the British National City in England, Jess Gibon was beaten and it proved.

On the biggest victory of the day and those who were in Hampstead Heath on a completely different terms, AC Runner was in his own class, eventually winning 33 seconds in 33 seconds.

Sophie Tarver and Georgia Taylor-Brown was originally there before his Olympic silver and trio’s media-brown, who first joined Gibbon.

Georgia Taylor-Brown (David Hewitson)

Less changes have taken place for the second half of the race, as the gaps grew up, and the third largest location gap was also clear or all.

Speaking about the tactics, Gibo said:

A few days after the English national victory, the former European champion was well led 5 km in Battersea Park, but added that when he lived, he could or less.

Gibo said:

Taylor-chestnut told his run.

Jess Gibbon (David Hyuyson)

Three years away with the next Olympic Games, no troidlo, Taylor-Brown said that he would mainly interfere in his sport and will travel for some crossroads and cycling.

Women’s team race with six points, it was a greater depth of Surrey’s detachment that came well.

Women. 1 G J Gibbon (Oxon) 27:01; 2 g Taylor-Brown (G Manch) 17:34; 3 S Tarver (Mersey) 28:04

Team: 1 Surrey 120; 2 Yorkshire 215; 3 Lancashire 290

The tribes of young athletes

U20 men

Refugee Aron Gebremariam maintained his own first-year-old man’s title after following premature leaders, as several different junior turns have passed.

After the first arms, Sebastian Behael, who led by Sam plims on his shoulder and went inside the inside. Joseph Grain and Sidney Tillin were there in the leading group of nine.

Finally, the break came, and Gebremariam took William Rabbs and Bekel to residual victory away from afar. “My coach told me not to drink with them, but everything was planned.

Aron Brerrariam (David Hewites)

“I have been injured in two or three months,” Birchfield Runner continued, who once again helped his British passport.

Now Gebremariam is now buying a platform at its next race 5 km.

U20 men. 1 Andbregariam (WASKS) 25:00; 2 W Rabjohns (Dors) 25:05; 3 s Beardll (CAMBS) 25:08

Team: 1 Essex 54; 2 SUFFOLK 102; 3 Warwickshire 104

U17, but

Alex Lennon was someone who won the men’s race nearby, which was 6 km, so it proved that none of the others could take things.

Lennon said: “I ran very strongly my last mile, and it was my best race, and I left the hill. I heard that people shouted and they said: “You have it?”

By persecuting Satton and the Running Running, James Alexander was closest and went to the second second, because Luke Dunham defeated Sam Wilson for the third.

Alex Lennon (David Hyuyson)

After slipping in the Surrey Championship, this was the third largest victory of Lennon from the south of England after the English national victories.

U17, but. 1 Lennon (Surrey) 18:56; 2 J Alexander (Scot W) 19:02; 3l Dunham (Herts) 19:13

Team: 1 Surrey 65; 2 Yorkshire 66; 3 Scotland West 91

U15 Boys Race (David Hewitson)

U15 boys

Ewan looked at the top 15-year-old boys’ championship all over the front, despite the pressure of small places, Finn McLena and Caspian Holmes put pressure on pressure. This was the closest finish of the race all day, but the Ake Cook Ireland, after all, eased, was like a medium middle race.

This victory ensured the best Athletics Challenge for the British Athletics and the Middland Champion said.

Ewan withnall (David Hewitson)

U15 Boys. 1 e withnall (der) 13:56; 2 F MacLennan (CRDB) 13:37; 4 C Holmes (Surrey) 13:39

Team: 1 Surrey 75; 2 YORKSHIRE 82; 3 SUSSEX 115

U13 boys

Jack Shingler was a simple winner about six seconds, a silver scramble, which was just seen by Zak Rush Head James-Dean Docherty, as Philip Kunpas Preshal just lost the place of the chair.

This was the first major race of Cheltenham Runner and its short career, followed by the ninth place in the English National National National Race in September last year.

Jack Shingler (David Hewitson)

U13 boys. 1 J Schindler (Glouc) 10:59; 2 Z Rush (Warwks) 11:05; 3 J DOWN (HERTS) 11:05

Team: 1 Berkshire 102; 2 Kent 103; 3 Middlesex 124

U20 women

Zoe Gilbody caused early and for most race continued most of the race after opening the rest. Near the second of the young Young Katie Pie of the previous week English Schools Cross Country Cup Final:Telford Runner looked at the junior women’s race, but then it seemed to have been exhausted on the last hill.

It was decreased by Freya Bradley, who was finalized in Volaton’s salon to catch a long leader, and then came to the very best victory, but in reality it was not so clear.

Freya Bradley and Zoe Gilbody (David Hewitson)

Bradley, who won the September British National City of September, said:

Following, it was Charlotte Dillo, the fifth of the Fifth in the Championships in the North Championship, but only the seventh of the northern issue to give a rare medal.

U20 women. 1 F Bradley (Avon & S) 21:51; 2 Z Gilbody (Shrop) 22:04; 3 C Dillon (NE) 22:11

Team: 1 KENT 83; 2 Berkshire 96; 3 Surrey 98

U17 women

Katie Pie led all Suri’s team, but once a team’s victory was pushed to everyone by Banbera McGoyan, who secured a challenge of the cross.

Although the victory in the Ender’s Championship, Aldersoth’s mileage said. “I haven’t been so good and I have been sick since September, but now they are diagnosed with celly disease.” This is an allergy to the main component of gluten wheat flour, which is used by bread.

After this diagnosis PYE won the English School Cup The final of the finals and the European Under-18 Champion now is now all for the summer season.

Katie Pye (David Hewitson)

“This week was the first race that I really received the tactics right,” said the Prime.

McGowan, up to 1800 to 1800 million silver medalists, puts its best performance for its best winter performance, easily in second place with Sabrina Coopola-Johansen.

U17 Women. 1 K Pi (Surrey) 18:29; 2 I McGowan (Oxon) 18:34; 3 s Coppola-Johansen (Surrey) 18:54

Team: 1 Surrey 57; 2 Yorkshire 96; 3 Scotland East 98

U15 Girls:

Kitty Scott gave the girls to Aldersot their second title, because he was wearing the day and gave another Surrey to interstate stakes, because they were all four strikers to finish.

“I tried to win, but there were very good girls, that hill said in the last arms.

Once again, the struggle for insignificant locations was near, and it was Gabriel Cindy, who was headed by Scott for two weeks of English national national national national national national national.

Kitty Scott (David Hewitson)

U15 Girls. 1K Syott (Surrey) 14:53; 2 g til (NE) 15:00; 3 f Brown (Scot E) 15:04

Team: 1 Surrey 35; 2 Scotland E 91; 3 Essex 170

U13 Girls

In the 14th place in the 7th British-British-in-English place in the 7th largest English place in England, the champion Madison Kingler returned to the youngest girls’ age group, but also the best British Athletics Cross.

Elizabeth Griffiths in second-spot margin can only take seven seconds with Elizabeth Griffiths, just the third third Jessica hide and Eve of the bed

Madison Kindler (David Hewitson)

U13 Girls. 1 M Kindler (Essex) 11:58; 2 E Griffiths (Leic & R) 12:05; 3 E HUTCHINGS (Avon & S) 12:11

Team: 1 Surrey 46; 2 MERSEYSEID 66; 3 Berkshire 111

The meeting was opened by a fence and Sam Fernando and Ella Richards, who both have a coordination depreciation, the first male and female house from the field of 15.

Sam Fernando (David Hewitson)

All results: hereA number

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