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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Molly Caudery cleans 4.85 meters of European leader

485 EL

Madrid (ESP, February 28). Molly Caudery reached 485 European leading European 485 matches in Madrid in Madrid. Second Tina Lucky 470. It was also decided that pottery won the tour. World Women’s Shooting Champion Chase Jackson confirmed the tour with the best results of the day, ahead of 19.48, at 19.37. Another decision made during the evening took place in the final event, and the men last won and equalized its NR, from Heat and Orlando Orland.

7.09 60m Patrished Van der Mayen approached about 0.01 with about 0.01 and won the tour, which took a tour of 7.17 Nreq. Anita Horvat won the Ethiopians at 800m. 00.35 with closed PB. Birke Haylom, as expected, 8. At 38:45, 3,000 m led 3,000 m, and another popular winner was Leyanis Peres-Hernandez in three times. Brian Faust used the chance of 400 m and tour at 45.74. Melsen Nambrett was the best at 1500 m to 1500 m – 3. 38.22 Tours goes to Samuel Piltrom. The winners of the other round are not competing at 800 m and Freweyni Hailu in the 3000 m and Freweyni Hailu. The wind.

Molly CAUDERY, going to Vault, Glasgow 2024, photo, March Bateman

  • Alpon Juck is a husband, father, statistician, host, journalist, organizer, agent, which follows the following and field since 1972. EME News is news that relates to Athletics news service. It is published every day with additional updates as required. Copyright Keeps Alfons Juck, Top Athletics, As, Krikova 10, 82107 Bratislava, Slovakia. All rights reserved. The redistribution of material from eme news and direct reproduction is prohibited until the permit is issued by C Top Athletics (for example, included in the subscription agreement).

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