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Yuzvendra Chahahal and DhanAshree Verman Relation Graph: From the Darling couple of social media to mutual separation

Divorce between the star cricket Yuzvendra Chauty and actor-choreographer Dhanashree giving Now it is officially moving. According to a report Hindustan timeChahali’s lawyer Nitin K Gupta, clarifying the couple in a Bandra Court, made an official statement on the issue.

After 4 years of marriage, it is the procedure for opening the case in the epic of the events that caused the decision to leave.

Yuzvendra Chahahal and Dhanakhree Verma’s attitude schedule

1. Online Friendship

Early in DhanAshree Give and Yuzvendra Chahahal relationship
Dhanashree Give and Youzvendra Chahahal relationships early (Source: X)

When the confusion occurred, the love story of the two-person was not starting and players had to sit in the relevant houses trying to burn the pandemic as long as possible. During this time, Chahal said he was approaching Dhanakhre, who was named for the desire to learn and dance classes. Chas consented to present the dance classes and this is what the couple recognizes each other.

2. A tab that makes love to the public

Dhanashree handmade and Yuzvendra chahal engagement
Dhanashree handmade and Yuzvendra chahal engagement (picture source: x)

Dance classes were progressed twice after gradually became a friendly turnover, and the couple decided to go to the public and said they were participating in August 2020. Supporters and duets have not clearly expressed their love for each other.

Read: Who is the new girl associated with the Yuzvendra Chahhal? Details in

3. Dream Wedding:

Dhanashree handmade and Yuzvendra Chahahal marriage
DhanAshree Give and Yuzvendra Chauty Marriage (Picture Source: X)

Their love was inevitable to close the couple’s knot and get into the sacred marriage. Dhanahree and Chahahal married in December 2020 and talking about the couple and talking points. Their wedding photos were widely popular and shared by people on social media platforms.

4. Rumors around the separation:

DhanAshree Tip and Yuzvendra Chahal Speration
DhanAshree handmade and Yuzvendra Chahahal Seperation (picture source: x)

Assumption of potential problem in marriage Chahe and Dhanakhree were first established for the first time when Dhanashre was named Chahala from social media handles. The rumors increased when the cricket pulled out the wedding photos from Instagram profile. As discussions on a possible separation, Social Media Cater, Chahali Dhanakhree has claimed to be required to pay 60 crore alimony. Despite the growing assumptions, both Chahahal and Dhanakhree, divorced rumors or alimony claims were neither confirmed or silent nor silence. However, their cryptist, social media posts protected the dispute between the same supporters and analysts.

Read: DhanAshree Verma faces abuse of social media after divorce with Yuzvendra Chahahal

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