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Do players actually keep 14 clubs? Here’s what the data say

Golf rules Allow players to hold up to 14 clubs, but it is not mandatory to fill each slot in your bag. Have you ever questioned if keeping all 14 clubs actually makes sense? We have analyzed Stretch Data to see how many clubs different handicap players usually hold.

How many clubs do most players hold?

Most players in The purpose of the purpose The database fully benefits from the rule with 14 clubs. 20- and 25-Handicappers throw the lobby wedge and sometimes hold 13 clubs. Higher handicappers are more likely to have two right forests than low -hand Handicap players, who generally have longer handcuffs and additional wedge.

Permanent The average number of clubs
0 14th
5 14th
10 14th
15 14th
20 13–14
25 13

Why players with the highest handicap pass the lobby wedge

Data from the highest skills (25-plus) show that they rarely carry a lobe wedge. Interestingly, they also hold only 13 clubs on average. They are not getting the lobe wedge to replace it with an extra hybrid wood or straight road. They just don’t hold the lobby wedge.

Who crosses the lobby wedge?

  • 20-Handicap:Often discard the lobe wedge and choose a simplified short game configuration with a I’m throwing, Gap and sand wedge. Some 20 handicappers replace the lobe wedge with extra hybrid wood or free road if they want 14 clubs.
  • 25-Handicap: Many use only 13 clubs and switch to the lobby wedge completely. They may not see enough perceived benefits on a high wedge that on average 40 to 50 yards.

Why does it matter

Golfists crossing the lobby wedge rely on the sand wedge to cover their entire Greenside bunker and pitch shots. Lob Wedge offers a lot of attic and can help with difficult Greenside bunkers. Most players struggling with their lobby wedge are using it in places where it may no longer make sense.

The best players know when and where to use the lobby wedge, making it good to have it.

How do yard gaps play in this?

Making the yard is one of the most important things to consider when you are equipped for golf clubs. You do not want yard gaps between clubs that are far away. At the same time, you need to make sure the gaps between the clubs are properly covered.

One thing we have noticed when looking at the long distance of scratch players is that it is quite wide. You will see about 180 yards to fill with accessories between the average driver distance and the sand wedge for a scratched player.

For players with the highest handicap, this range is only 124 yards on average.

Permanent Driver Distance Range (DVR – SW)
0 285 yards 105 yards 285 – 105 = 180 yards
5 261 yards 86 yards 261 – 86 = 175 yards
10 259 yards 98 yards 259 – 98 = 161 yards
15 236 yards 84 yards 236 – 84 = 152 yards
20 225 yards 85 yards 225 – 85 = 140 yards
25 204 yards 80 yard 204 – 80 = 124 yards

What does this indicate

A larger total range between your driver and sand wedge usually means that you want more clubs set to avoid large yard gaps. Slower oscillations give smaller gaps and sometimes Fewer total clubs are needed to cover distance.

If you hit 6-, 5- and 4-Iridine at the same distance, it’s time to let some of them go. Replace them with hybrids so that you have skills when trying to get out of the rough or when dealing with a difficult lie.

Hybrids versus handcuffs: Do you keep them both?

If you have an extra place in your bag and are not sure how to fill it to get your game, most players look at the hybrids and/or // the right forests. The table below shows the percentage of the greens of the greens from 200 and 175 yards with an iron hybrid. You will see that the hybrid is almost always more accurate.

Permanent 200y hybrid Railroad 175y hybrid 175y iron
0 32% 30% 44% 46%
5 21% 17% 33% 31%
10 19% 14% 25% 22%
15 9% 6% 18% 14%
20 6% 4% 14% 8%
25 2% 1% 8% 2%

Many hybrids (3h, 4h, 5h) can help with the highest disabilities in the significant growth of their greens. Some players hold a 5-DRU and a 3-Hidbrid To cover different lies and gaps in the distance. The other players hold a 5-hikuri and a 5-hybrid due to the variety of shooting these clubs can create.

Bottom Line: How many clubs do you do truly You need?

After analyzing this data about the clubs that Golfers are holding, here are the most important obstacles we have come out.

Benefit from 14 points

If you have 14 clubs, use them. If the lob Wedge is not suitable for your game, consider a professional fit and see where another club can help you fill a yard gap or improve your shot (eg, a 5- wood and 3-hybrid).

Think in “Gaps” not only the names of the golf club

Sometimes, it is possible to have a 5-hekuri and a 5-hybrid in your configuration. If you struggle to hit your 5-and-end with a high start, but like the ability to hit controlled shots on windy days, you can keep them both. When choosing your 14 clubs, consider the variety of shot, dexterity, distance and overall durability, Not just the pure yard.

Consider the Golf Course

I have 13 clubs in my bag now. I have all four wedges, but just a road tree and a hybrid. Adding another wood or hybrid is likely to be a smart choice and one that will do it soon, but now, I don’t need it. My home courses do not present many shots where I would need another club.

If you play the same course repeatedly, building a bag to match the course makes full sense.

There is no need to finish today and fill in your golf group so you have all the 14 clubs. Collect data and see where an extra club can save you some shots. Remember, it’s not just about distance, but about performance and versatility. There is a reason that golf professionals hold 14!

office Do players actually keep 14 clubs? Here’s what the data say first appeared in MygolfSSS.

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