Indian cricket Superstar Virat Kohli was determined to return to the Ranji Cup for Delhi in 13 years. Thanks to the last 10-point dictatorship of the BCCI, the former Indian captain started on January 30, Arun Jaitley Stadium was available for the last group match against Delhi’s railway roads.
The Dashing right side has already joined the Delhi Cricket team and spends a lot of time with Kotla’s youth during the practice session. Note that none available Delhi cricketers, except Naveep Sain, could not have the opportunity to share a locker room with Virat Kohli.
Virat Kohli encourages Delhi players to play with confidence
Even in Delhi Captain Ayush Badoni, IPL only met with Kohli during the IPL, and now the former Indian Skipper’s captain will be a moment that the young man will be sensitive to life. Well, Delhi and Railways Ranji Trofy 2024-25 Group D group Dh, Kotla was turned into a cotla ground to return Kohlin to the first-class cricket.
Kohli is trying hard to train with the Delhi Cricket team, focusing on improving Backfoot shootings. Some heartfelt moments with childhood friends and teammates shared and Kotla’s videos and clips are on the Internet.
During the training, Kohli Delhi’s players “Delhi Waale Ho, saying” saying Dum Dikhao “,” he inspired Delhi players. ” Shuruat Accha Kiya PHIR TAKE PADH GAYE. Positive Xelo Jaise Delhiwaale Khelte Hain
Virat Kohli will sink No. 4 No. 4 for Delhi: Ayush Badoni
Before the long-awaited Ranji collision, Delhi captain Ayush Badoni, Virat Kohli has no confirmed the sink. Against railways in 4 matches. Badoni also inspired Kohli Delhi’s team to stay positive and expressed confidence in railways.
The Ayharu Badoni PTI was asked: “He played a bat No. 4, and I have played ourselves in IPL. I have played virat Bahanya. It is a privilege that I have already led by Rishabh and Virat Bhaiyya. “
Meanwhile, Delhi and County Cricket Association (DDCA) Secretary Ashok Kumar Sharma is waiting for at least 10,000 crowds on the first day of Delhi match. Gautam also confirmed the Gambhir stand to be open to the audience. Kohli Also revealed that the original Aadhaar card with a photocopy to watch the fans’ match.
Also read: Virat Kohli instructs Delhi cricketers and employees to stop acting like fanboys
Supporters need only an original copy of Aadhaar card to watch Virat Kohli in the event
Ashok Kumar Sharma was said to be opened as: Gautam Gambhir Standy will be open to the audience. Gate â„– 6 will be open to DDCA members and 6,000 crowds. “
The Secretary of DDCA added: “This is a free entry. The fans should only bring the original copy of Aadhaar card and its copy. Adjustments were made for fans. It will be like any international or IPL matching. “