Sun Mountain recently revealed theirs new line of C-130 brand golf bags including the C-130 Classic Cart Bag, the C-130 Hybrid Carry Bag, and the C-130 Sync Cart Bag. All three have multiple pockets, voluminous storage and 14-way tops. That said, they are very different bags
One of the things that caught my eye was Sun Mountain saying that the Sync was designed “to fit perfectly on pushchairs”. Since I had all three bags and a Sun Mountain Ridgeline push cart, I decided to see which bag was best for the push player.
3 key characteristics for the golfer who drives the club
When I putt my clubs there are a few things I look for in a bag.
- Gear storage
- Stability in the cart
- Access to clubs
These are the critical elements for an enjoyable round of pushing my gear. If a bag fails in any of these three areas, my satisfaction goes down and my score usually goes up.
Which Sun Mountain C-130 is the best for gear storage?
Like their flying namesake, all three bags of the Sun Mountain C-130 are cargo carriers. I can’t imagine a situation where you would want more storage in the course. All three bags have multiple pockets and the side pockets are large.
I find the storage especially valuable when I’m hiking in a terrible part of the year, or in late fall to early spring. During this time, the weather can vary from hole to hole. It is essential to be able to pack extra layers in the bag or put layers back in after they are removed.
I know, some of you live where it snows and don’t play much in the winter months. However, I’m sure you experience the same weather fluctuations at some point during your season.
Of the three, the side pockets on the C-130 Sync are a touch smaller than those on the other two models. If the other models weren’t there for comparison, I wouldn’t even have thought they were smaller than any other side pocket.
After all, all three Sun Mountain C-130 bags offer plenty of room.
Winner: SHORAT
Which Sun Mountain C-130 is more stable on the pushcart?
One of the nice things about the Sun Mountain Ridgeline stroller is that you can adjust the height of the top bracket to better fit the bag you’re using. For the three C-130 bags, I made sure the bracket was at the ideal height for a comfortable fit.
(By the way, if you’re looking a detailed review of the Sun Mountain Ridgeline pushcartwe published one last summer.)
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As for the bottom bracket, all three bags fit snugly into plastic brackets towards the front wheel of the stroller. The C-130 Hybrid’s wider base meant it sat a bit further forward in the bracket than the other two, but it was still comfortable.
The C-130 Sync has a cutout in its base to accommodate the bottom bracket of a pushcart. This didn’t come into play due to the shape of the Ridgeline’s base platform. Carts with a narrower support system must be inserted into the slot.
We see a bit more design diversity at the top carriage bracket attachment point. Although all three bags have belt loops, they are quite different in design. The C-130 trolley bag has the simplest system. The ends of the belt are fed through the openings in the long side pockets and then the longer belt passes under the front pocket.
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For the C-130 Hybrid bag, the straps again pass through the side openings, attaching to the surface of the bag after passing under the carry handle.
For the C-130 Sync, the overall setup is like the C-130 cart bag, but the center pocket can be flipped up for easy belt attachment.
On the Sun Mountain Ridgeline, I find all of these bags equally mountable. This can vary dramatically depending on where the top straps are attached. Ridgeline belts are all attached to the side. This is similar to where an electric wheelchair belt would be attached back to the wheelchair. At this point of connection, all bags work quite well.
However, if your stroller’s straps tie in the middle and not on the side, this can be a problem. For the C-130 trolley bag, this may mean that the straps can be tightened under the front pocket. This area is not easily accessible.
For the C-130 Sync, you can attach the straps easily by lifting the pocket up. However, belt buckles can press against the bottom of a pocket and prevent access to the contents of that pocket. Since the C-130 Hybrid bag lacks that top center pocket, strapping is not a problem anywhere.
Winner: SHORAT in Ridgeline Wagon; may favor the C-130 Hybrid over other propulsion vehicles.
Which Sun Mountain C-130 is best for club access?
The top of the three C-130 bags have the same general plan. There is a separate well and a bunch of club holes. Surprisingly, not everyone is the same when it comes to thrusting effectiveness.
I found the C-130 Hybrid layout to be most effective on the undercarriage. The clubs are easily accessible, easy to insert and remove, and they don’t crash when pushed.
The other two bags work well at the top of the bag, but are a little disappointing at the bottom where most of us would put our wedges and short irons.
The C-130 trolley bag has a large plastic ring on its edge, preventing the wedges from hanging over the bottom of the bag. Instead, they sit on plastic.
The C-130 Sync has a smaller plastic lip, but the wedges still rest on that instead of the softer fabric of the bag like they do on the C-130 Hybrid.
On a riding carriage, this part of the mesh is likely where you’re placing your woods, so this isn’t an issue. When you push, the bars and wedges are under the forest. If you place your woods at the bottom of the net, your irons and wedges will collide with your fancy driver and hybrid shafts.
Compared to chopsticks that rest on a fabric edge, plastic promotes unwanted movement of the chopsticks at the bottom of the bag.
The C-130 stroller and C-130 Sync bags share another problem. The underside of the club net consists of a large pocket rather than individual spaces as in the C-130 Hybrid.
For me, this is a problem. Any club you put in this hole will move when you push. Trembling is inevitable. Even with just one wedge in that hole, it moves enough to hit clubs in the row above.
As with the plastic ring, this is not a problem in the riding carriage. This large opening and is a good big place to put your driver. Since the C-130 pram bag is a pram bag, I see the purpose of the large opening on a riding pram.
I am not so understanding with C-130 Sync. The C-130 was designed for a pushcart. Through that lens, this single large aperture is a flaw, not a feature.
Winner: C-130 Hybrid
Best Overall Sun Mountain C-130 Pushchair Bag: C-130 Hybrid
To me, obviously Best to push the winner was the C-130 Hybrid. All three bags perform well on the Sun Mountain Ridgeline. However, the 14-way tip adjustment on the C-130 Hybrid was the deciding factor for me. Clubs are easy to access and don’t join.
As a bonus, the top handle and shoulder strap make the C-130 Hybrid easier to load and unload from a trunk. The stability gained from the opening legs make the C-130 a clear winner in the driving distance as well.
That said, your usual game mode should be considered. Do you mix your riding and pushing rounds? Are you an occasional push rider? In either of these situations, I would strongly consider the C-130 or C-130 Sync cart bag. They are both strong bags in the riding carriage, although that large club seat can still be a problem when pushing.
Side note: Have you ever visited? Society of Walking Golfers page? If you are a walking golfer, you really should check it out. Courses taught throughout the US and Canada a Gait assessment. So far, I find the reviews quite spot on. If it’s red, I’m riding a cart.
As I mentioned in my previous review of these bags, I think it’s a great move by Sun Mountain to give these three bags the “C-130” label. Consumers are familiar with it and it aptly describes the impressive carrying potential of these three bags.
The flip pocket and slot on the base of the C-130 Sync are great features to use on a pushcart, but until the top gets a redesign, the one I’ll be putting through the course will be the C-130 Hybrid .
Find out more about Sun Mountain C-130 bags and push carts at
Post Which Sun Mountain C-130 Bag Should You Push? appeared first on MyGolfSpy.